I am pleased to inform you that, after one and a half years of stalling, Mike Enoch of the National Justice Party (full name Michael Isaac Enoch Peinovich) has finally agreed to a formal date to debate me on Holocaust denial. Assuming Mike does not back out, our debate will be held on 17 June of this year.
While we are still negotiating the format, the below screenshot is proof of our agreement for 17 June.
While I make no apology whatever for my previous post—even if my perception that Mike was going to wimp out turns out to have been false, it is his fault, for ghosting me literal months1—I will delete it if Enoch actually debates me. All I want is for the debate to happen.
So we are on: 17 June is the date!
Enoch states that he endured a back injury, and recently had back surgery to correct this. I do not accept however that he was not so incapacitated that he could not write an email for months to respond to my repeated requests to schedule the debate.
The "trial of the century" is going to happen over at the Ron Unz Review website:
It is a mock civil trial. I'm the Plaintiff's counsel representing Friends and Family of the Hungarian Jews (and Sephardic Jews of Greece) deported to, and murdered at, Auschwitz in May through July 1944.
The Defendant's counsel has *already* conceded the first three items of the Complaint:
1) Kidnapping (from Hungary and Greece);
2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
4) Wrongful death;
5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.
So the only remaining items in contention are Items 4 and 5.
Matt, *please* either get in touch with me at my gmail address (last name first name, all one word) or here.
The case for approximately one million Jews being executed by Zyklon B at Auschwitz-Birkenau is absolutely unassailable. I think that should be one of the linchpins of any debate about the Holocaust. Please see my comments thus far on the Ron Unz webpage I referenced above. In particular, please see my comment #19, which includes excerpts from an October 2, 1945 article in the British newspaper, the Guardian. It is about testimony by Dr. Charles Bendel, a Jewish doctor imprisoned at Auschwitz:
...and also this photo of a mimeographed affidavit by the same Dr. Charles Bendel:
Again, Matt, *please* interact with me either here or by email. I think a can provide you with a great deal of help in your efforts to show the truth of the Holocaust.
Best wishes,
Mark Bahner (gmail is last name, first name without periods)
He didn't back out of the debate - you proposed to use German documents and to not translate them and to argue in a deceptive way - like the slander that is the holocaust you continue to slander. I can't wait for your so called 'defense' of the holocaust!!!!! 😂
Mike has stated repeatedly he would be glad to debate you if you agree to certain standards - which you seem to of been loathe to agree to including any documents used need to be provided to both parties and that the event is not hosted by a clearly biased holocaust affirming host. Why do you lie????